ELO [e.loo]

Portuguese word for bond, ​relationship or connection.

AS BIRTH WORKERS, WE embrace the meaning of ELO ​by not only honoring and nurturing the natural ​and sacred bonds between mother and babies, ​but also the connections between families, ​community and our creator.

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Hi There,

I'm Miriam

It's an honor to serve, educate, and support you as you embark on one of the most important journeys of your life! I'm here to offer you essential tools to not only cope, but thrive during such challenging and exciting times.

I was born and raised in Brazil but have called the US home ​since 2007. I’ve been happily married to my best friend for ​17 years, and together we’re raising six pretty amazing kids. ​Motherhood has been quite the journey for me, spanning ​from unexpected surprises like a honeymoon baby, to ​embracing adoption through foster care, and even ​navigating fertility treatments.

In spring 2022, we decided to embrace our adventurous ​spirit and hit the road full-time in our fifth wheel. It was sad ​to leave behind a wonderful community of former clients, ​amazing fellow birth workers and a booming business in ​Davidson NC. However, traveling gives me an unique ​opportunity to connect with a wider and different ​demographic of women from all over the US and the world, ​both in person and virtually!

When I’m not busy birth work-ing, you can find me ​spending time with my family, creating new recipes, ​crafting, hosting friends, or soaking up nature’s beauty. I’m ​all about exploring new places, meeting new people, diving ​into Disney magic, and indulging my passion for ​homeschooling, psychology, theology, herbalism, and ​geeking out in all things birth-related!

My Journey to Becoming a Doula:

With a background in Biotechnology and Psychology, I’ve ​always been drawn to understanding human physiology ​and behavior. My journey led me to work as a kid’s ministry ​coordinator in two different churches, which deepened my ​passion for the Lord, families and children. I also had an ​opportunity to work with children in the mental health field ​and later with vulnerable women, where I discovered my ​true calling for empowering and supporting women ​through many different stages of life.

Even though I have served women as a doula before when ​volunteering at a crisis pregnancy center, I only embarked ​on the path of professional birth work after facing my own ​trials and triumphs in childbirth and motherhood.

My Credentials:

I’m blessed and proud to have my former education and ​training through the internationally recognized Maternity ​Wise, as a Child Birth Educator, Birth and Postpartum ​Doula, as well as Lactation Support & Educator. I’m a ​student midwife at GEM (Global Education of the Midwife) ​where I’m working to obtain my CPM (Certified Professional ​Midwife) credentials, and also where I proudly hold my ​Doula Certifications.

What Sets Me Apart:

I don't just focus on the birth; I take a holistic approach that ​begins with nurturing every area of the mother’s well being. ​Your physical, spiritual and emotional wellness are my ​commitment! Everyone throughout the history of humanity, ​began their journey into this world through a woman. Our ​role as nurturers is many times overlooked, but I believe ​mothers can set the tone to change the world!

I’m passionate about empower you to follow your natural ​instincts, and boldly pursue the birth and postpartum you ​desire by preparing your spirit, mind and body for such.

What I Believe:

Birth work is more than my passion, it’s my calling and my ​ministry. You're not just another client! You are a sister. You're ​a fellow mom who deserves to feel confident, heard, and ​cared for.

I tailor my support to your unique needs, whether it's ​teaching you a class, applying counter pressure, supporting ​you through a VBAC, bringing you a meal or helping you with ​breastfeeding.

Your willingness to share these ​precious moments with me is ​something I value deeply and feel a ​great responsibility for.

Aprenda um pouco ​mais sobre mim e ​nossos serviços em ​português aqui!

My Promise

Jesus is the cornerstone of my life and it ​reflects on my role as birth worker. It’s so ​humbling to be in the business of life and to ​witness this miracle right before my eyes! ​My faith fuels my commitment to empower ​mothers, and to celebrate the sanctity of ​birth through my work.

During such a vulnerable and ​transformative time in your life, my ​promise is to enter your birthing space in ​complete surrender to Him, so that He may ​work through me to support you with all the ​care, respect and love you deserve.



Having a baby is a big deal! Rather its your first baby, or you ​are introducing a new sibling, our services are carefully ​curated to provide you with everything you will need. From ​working with you through labor to helping you master ​breastfeeding. I'll be by your side and navigate the ups and ​downs of pregnancy, birth and postpartum together.

Experience compassionate, personalized care with our d​iverse options of professiona​l​ ​doula services.



Drowning in baby advice? Get straightforward, precious ​evidence-based information and tips. Elo Parents ​Academy was designed to anticipate all of your needs. ​From physiology of birth, comfort measures, birth and ​postpartum planing, to breastfeeding, newborn care ​and so much more!

Join us to gain the knowledge and confidence you need ​for a smooth and empowering transition into parenthood.


Placenta services

We are all about supporting your postpartum journey!

Discover the natural benefits of postpartum recovery ​with our professional placenta encapsulation services, ​and cherish the memory with unique placenta art ​keepsakes.

Experience a holistic approach to healing that honors ​your journey with personalized, caring support.

Every step is handled with the utmost hygiene and care. ​We now offer at-home placenta services, where you can ​watch how things are done first hand!



Why Choose Me

Personalized Support:

My Approach

Your story is unique, and so are your needs. Whether you're a first-time mom or adding ​another bundle of joy to your family, I adapt my services to fit your situation.

Expert Guidance:


I stay updated on the latest evidence-based practices and relay the information to you ​in a simple and fun way! In my experience, good information is the key element for a ​satisfactory pregnancy, birth and postpartum experience.

My Course

My Elo Parents Academy is a complete guide, carefuly designed to cover from basic ​birth anatomy, nutrition, labor comfort measures; to newborn care, lactation education ​and so much more!



Life doesn't operate on a 9 to 5 schedule, especially with a new baby. That’s why I offer ​daytime, nighttime, and even virtual support to fit your routineingly.

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Husband Whisper

She made my husband finally feel comfortable with my birth choices! She genuinely listened to his concerns without judgement, offered evidence based information and kept her lessons fun and light hearted!

He was an skeptic at first, but by the end of her services we were both on the same page and grateful for making this investment.

Laila S.

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From Doula To Auntie

I met Miriam during one of the hardest and most vulnerable moments of my life.

I was already struggling to be a single mother of a toddler, when I discovered my second pregnancy. Miriam was more than a doula. She was a friend in a time of need and a spiritual warrior in my behalf. She helped me to work through some trauma related to abusive relationships and a bad birth experience. She taught me so much about birth, relaxation techniques and to cope with postpartum challenges.

She cared for my body, mind and soul. After I had my baby, she continued to check on me and brought me the best soup I have ever had! My daughters absolutely love her and my whole family was so comfortable being around her. She made my birth and postpartum so much easier!

I’m so glad God put this girl in my life!

Kylie T.

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Compassionate, Knowledgeable, and Dedicated

I cannot recommend Miriam highly enough - especially ​as early as you can in your pregnancy; I didn’t secure her ​services until I was almost 8 months pregnant, but it was ​better late than never!

From the moment we met, I knew we were in amazing ​hands. Her warmth, knowledge, and unwavering support ​throughout my pregnancy and delivery made all the ​difference. Miriam was always available to answer my ​questions, calmed my anxieties, and provided invaluable ​advice.

During labor, her presence was incredibly reassuring. She ​created a calm and positive environment, and her ​techniques for pain management were exactly what I ​needed. Miriam worked seamlessly with the medical ​team and my husband ensuring that my birth plan was ​respected and that I felt empowered every step of the ​way.

Postpartum, she continued to offer support, checking in ​on us and providing guidance as we adjusted to life with ​our new baby. Her passion for her work is evident in ​everything she does. Miriam is not just a doula; she is a ​true partner, and a dear friend, in one of the most ​important journeys of your life. We are so grateful for ​everything she has done for our family.

I am so at ease knowing about my future pregnancies ​and births because of Miriam’s presence and guidance. ​My husband and I fully trusted her and we can’t wait for ​her to be there for our future births!

If you are looking for a faith-oriented, compassionate, ​knowledgeable, and dedicated doula, look no further ​than Miriam! We love you!

Amanda C.


Frequently Asked Questions

How Soon Should I Book Your Services?

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The sooner, the better to ensure I’m available for your specific dates. However, life is unpredictable—especially with a new baby. I try to accommodate last-minute requests when possible.

If I have a midwife, do I still need a doula?

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Doulas and midwives are like the PB&J of a yummy sandwich. We enhance each other’s ​job and statistically improve birth outcomes, but we have very different flavors and ​textures. Doulas will educate you, take care of your comfort level, be there all throughout ​labor, make sure you are fed and hydrated during labor, for an example. A midwife is ​there to check yours and the baby’s vitals, to be concern for yours and baby’s physical ​health; she is trained to be your medical provider an​d to act in case of emergencies.

Doulas and midwives work together to form a ​birth team where your emocional, psychological, phy​sical and medical needs are met.

Does a Doula replace my partner/spouse?

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A doula is primarily there for mom, but doulas have dads’ backs too! We are specialists on ​birth, dad’s are specialists on moms. Together we form a team that will enhance every asp​ect of the birth and postpartum experience. Whether it’s learning about baby care, hel​ping you create a postpartum plan or providing emotional support to the new mom, a par​tner’s involvement creates a much stronger and healthier support system.

Are doulas only for natural births?

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No, doulas support all type of birth plans whether you choose a natural birth, medicated, ​hospital, home birth, VBAC or cesarean; our goal is to offer you comfort and support, ​honor your choices and help you to have the birth you wish and deserve.

I was placed in your care from birth. From ​my mother's womb you have been my God.

Psalm 22:10 (GW)

You're not alone on this journey. Got questions or need quick advice? I’m here to help you navigate this special time.

+1 (407) 205-7898



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Disclaimer: a Doula is NOT "Just like a Midwife"! A Doula does not and is not qualified ​to perform any medical procedures including, cervical checks, blood pressure ​checks, fetal heart rate monitoring, delivering/catching the baby, etc.

A Doula is NOT and does NOT replace a Health Care Provider such as a Midwife or OB.